Attracting and developing professionals along their career path within V3 Gourmet is key to ensure we perpetuate the success and continuity of the group for further generations. Committed to supporting professionals who are passionate about our products, retail and food & beverage service, gastronomy, innovation and other creative professions, V3 Gourmet is accelerating its policy dedicated to them, particularly in terms of training and access to employment. The group aims to strengthen the ways in which it interacts with new generations to foster engagement, accessibility and inclusivity of profiles and geographies to broaden the reach of transmission of our knowledge and savoir-faire.
V3 Gourmet cares for its people and the community. To hone and transfer our unique knowledge and expertise, we support and invest in workplace career development to encourage our employees to develop their skills in the best possible conditions. The V3 Gourmet network of professional Institutes – including the TWG Tea Institute and the Bacha Coffee Institute – gives passionate professionals an opportunity to immerse themselves in our ecosystem, be inspired by our leaders and enrich their skill set, while we fuel a pipeline of passionate and qualified candidates for our subsidiaries around the world. Not only do the courses provide learning and development opportunities for V3 Gourmet brands staff and a constantly renewed training and learning platform that grooms and deploys both internal and external talent for our global operations, the facility ensures that all employees are fully equipped with the right training at every point of their career at V3 Gourmet.
V3 Gourmet cultivates inclusiveness and embraces diversity. Since our inception, we have put in place human resource policies designed to support and advance employees throughout their careers, regardless of background and ethnicity. An equal opportunity employer with over 4,000 staff in 19 countries, the group’s ratio of male to female employees is 1:1. Even more significantly, 48% of the managerial and senior management roles at V3 Gourmet’s headquarters and subsidiaries are helmed by women.
Finally, the well-being of the greater community of people on plantations and farms around the world working to produce the marvellous teas and coffees in the V3 Gourmet collection plays an important role in the sustainable growth of the group. Tea and coffee production are one of the most labour-intensive tasks in the world. It includes farming, cultivation, plucking, sorting, and processing using manpower-heavy, traditional methods. Thus, we make it our priority to care for the farmers and communities we source from. This starts with making an effort to understand the history and customs of the people who call the farm or plantation their homes. This protects communities, retains skill and talent, and safeguards traditional jobs and cultures. V3 Gourmet also believes in investing in long-term partnerships. The stability of our relationships with our partners helps farms and plantations remunerate their staff fairly, and builds the capacity for them to provide care to their workforce.